A Conservative Supreme Court In Turmoil. The Case for Term Limits & Why

A Conservative Supreme Court In Turmoil. The Case for Term Limits & Why

In the hallowed halls of the United States Supreme Court, where justice is meant to be blind and impartial, a troubling trend has emerged.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray

With a heavily conservative-leaning bench and no term limits in place, the very foundation of democracy is under threat. Justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito wield immense power, often to the detriment of the nation they are sworn to serve.

Supreme Court Justice Clearance Thomas

Clarence Thomas, appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1991, has been a divisive figure on the Court. Despite his quiet demeanor, his influence is profound, particularly in cases involving civil rights, voting rights, and corporate interests. Thomas's close ties to conservative donors raise serious concerns about conflicts of interest and potential corruption within the highest court of the land.

Clerance Thomas & Wife (Ginni Thomas)

One need only look at the case of Citizens United v. FEC (2010) to see the impact of Thomas's ideology. In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled that corporations and unions could spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns, effectively equating money with speech and opening the floodgates to corporate influence in politics. Thomas's wife, Virginia Thomas, has deep ties to conservative organizations and has been accused of actively promoting far-right causes, further raising questions about impartiality.

Blindfolded Lady Justice

But it doesn't stop there. The recent revelations surrounding Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's display of controversial flags outside his properties have stirred fresh controversy and raised serious questions about judicial impartiality and the integrity of the highest court in the land.

Reports from The New York Times detail the presence of an "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside Alito's beach vacation home last summer, followed by the sighting of an inverted American flag—another emblem associated with the January 6th Capitol rioters—at his residence outside Washington, D.C. These symbols, reminiscent of those brandished by the violent insurrectionists, have understandably sparked concern and condemnation.

The same flag flown on Alito's property was displayed by Jan 6 insurrectionists

The "Appeal to Heaven" flag, historically associated with early American revolutionaries and more recently adopted by fringe groups, carries connotations of rebellion and defiance against authority. Its presence outside the vacation home of a sitting Supreme Court Justice raises troubling questions about Alito's allegiances and ideological leanings. To be frank, this is downright terrifying that a Supreme Court Justice would have this flying anywhere near his property; however, this is America.

Inverted American flag signaling a nation in distress

Equally troubling is the display of an inverted American flag, traditionally understood as a distress signal, but also co-opted by extremist elements during the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Alito's explanation that the flag was flown by his wife amid a dispute with neighbors strains credulity and fails to address the underlying symbolism and its implications.

Former President Donald Trump appointed US Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. Getty Images/AP

In the wake of these revelations, calls for Alito to recuse himself from cases related to former President Donald Trump have grown louder. The optics of a Supreme Court Justice displaying symbols associated with a violent attack on the very institution he serves undermine public trust in the judiciary and raise doubts about his ability to render impartial judgments.

A "Stop The Steal" protest waging in 2020

The Supreme Court, often regarded as the ultimate arbiter of justice and the guardian of constitutional principles, cannot afford to be tainted by partisan politics or perceived biases. Justices must uphold the highest standards of integrity and impartiality to maintain the legitimacy of their rulings and the public's faith in the judicial system.

All the current Supreme Court Justices with the President Of The United States: Joe Biden

Unfortunately, the absence of clear guidelines regarding judicial conduct outside the courtroom leaves room for interpretation and invites skepticism. While justices are entitled to personal beliefs and freedoms, they must exercise discretion and avoid actions that could compromise their judicial responsibilities or cast doubt on their impartiality.

In light of these developments, the need for greater transparency and accountability within the Supreme Court has never been more urgent. Calls for term limits and stricter ethical standards for justices are growing louder, as the integrity of the judiciary hangs in the balance.

Democracy in danger depiction/cartoon by "Global times"

Ultimately, the Supreme Court must uphold the principles of justice and impartiality that form the bedrock of democracy. Anything less jeopardizes the very foundation of our constitutional system and undermines the promise of equal justice under law.

Sulayman Touray profile image
by Sulayman Touray

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